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Buying and Selling Real Estate in Barcelona

Buy your flat
in Barcelona

Make your property investment a success

When you want to invest in a city abroad, it is essential to have the right level of information. The laws, the language of the country, the knowledge of the market, the tax system can all be obstacles to making your project a reality.


Keybarcelona, with its experience and knowledge of the market, will accompany you through all the stages of buying your flat.


You are our customer, we advise you and defend your interests throughout the entire purchasing process.

Tell us about your investment project and we will put our expertise at your service.

Steps to your purchase in Barcelona

1- The Nie

The NIE, or Número de Identidad de Extranjero, is an essential number.

Get it as soon as possible.

This number will be requested everywhere and for any step (opening of the bank account, signature at the notary). It is really essential and it is the first step that we advise you to take for your future purchase in Spain. The time to obtain it varies between 5 days and 1 month.

2 - The Bank

If you need a loan, start by contacting our trusted bank advisor who will give you an estimate of the possibilities.


It takes into account your project, your profile and your budget.

3 - The offer

You will be asked to make an offer in writing by paying 1% of the sale price to the estate agent.

It is a matter of proving the seriousness of your offer and this will be passed on to the landlord, if it is refused you will get your money back, if it is accepted you will go on to the next stage.

4 - The Deposit Contract

The contract is signed approximately 10 days after the seller has accepted the offer. The buyer will be asked to pay 10% of the sale price directly to the seller. This payment is made by bank transfer.

After signing, if the buyer withdraws from the purchase, he loses the 10% paid.

If the seller renounces the sale, he is obliged to return the 10% multiplied by two.

The advantage of this contract is that it is highly binding for both parties.

5 - The signature at the notary's office

You have between 60 and 90 days to sign at the notary's office, unless exceptional conditions are agreed at the time of the deposit contract.

It is strongly recommended to ask for 90 days if you are applying for a bank loan.

However, the signing can take place earlier if the purchaser so wishes.

It is the buyer who chooses his notary. KeyBarcelona will provide you with its trusted notary.

At the notary's office you will pay the remaining 90% to the seller on the day of signing by bank cheque.

Selling your flat in Barcelona

We organise the sale of your property.

  • We visit your flat and make a proper description and photos,
  • We estimate your property at the most accurate market price,
  • We can carry out some work in order to maximise the value of your property (emptying the furniture from the flat, cleaning, refreshing the paintwork, optimising the space). So that future buyers can plan ahead,
  • We publish your flat on all effective distribution channels,
  • We inform you every week of the developments and contacts made with future buyers.
  • Together we put together a file with all the necessary documents for the sale. (Deposit contract, cedula de habitabilidad, energy certificate, water and electricity bills, simple note, co-ownership charges),
  • We accompany you to the notary's office to ensure that the sale goes smoothly and together we follow the final administrative steps (taxes, capital gains).

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